If we’ve learned anything during the Covid Pandemic, it’s that boredom robs us of joy and hope. It forces our minds to slip into a state of complacency, which fosters weakness.
Realistically, letting boredom interfere with your happiness is optional—so don’t let it happen! Instead, try these 6 ways to fill your life with joy and excitement. Let’s work together starting today by trying these 6 techniques aimed at changing your future:
We looked for any type of joy throughout 2020 and hope seemed to be out-of-reach for us. By St. Patrick’s Day 2021 we saw some light through the tiny hole in the needle. Today, 154 million Americans have received at least one shot of the vaccine, and hope is returning for a more normal summer.
Make a Change
Boredom bombarded us during Covid. We quickly learned a lack of activity decimated our interest in all the joys of life.
You can make a change today in your life! Start with a change of mindset. That may mean adopting a more optimistic outlook or being more adventurous.
Let’s face it: The world has been a tad south of optimism for over a year now. They filled our television viewing time with negativity as the world became increasingly hateful.
You can change your world by devoting five minutes every morning to a simple exercise: Find a quiet spot and devote the time to thinking positive thoughts about your future. During the rest of the day, share your optimistic outlook with your family and friends. Within two weeks, you’ll start feeling better.
You also need to realize there are “whiners” out there who constantly bring our attitudes down. You may need to distance yourself from these people while you shed the pessimism permeating our lives since Covid hit. That includes limiting the time you spend listening to news broadcasts on all networks.
Share positive feedback with your coworkers, and be sure to compliment friends and family daily.
A Gratitude Journal goes a long way in helping you return to an optimistic outlook on life.
Stop Putting Limitations on Yourself
If you really want to stir things up, you need to stop putting limitations on yourself.
The list of limitations we subconsciously subject ourselves to is limitless:
- Too many people are refusing to get the Covid vaccine.
- I wasn’t able to get a good enough education to qualify for that dream job.
- It’s too difficult to serve those I can’t stand to be in the same room with.
- There is never enough time in the day.
- I’m too young.
- I’m too old.
- I don’t have enough money.
- I don’t have the right connections.
Start Your List Right Now
The list can go on and on. Make a list of the excuses you’ve used over the past week to avoid attempting to change.
I remember feeling trapped after my car wreck because I didn’t have the job skills to perform the jobs available to someone restricted by disability. Then I discovered the business section at the Burnsville library. I increased my knowledge and abilities tenfold simply by reading the books available.
You’re capable of whatever you want to do—it may take more hard work, but you can get there.
Go with Your Gut
You’ve heard the voice in your head saying, “Do it!” and another voice saying, “Wait.” Nothing destroys the joy in life, like the inner turmoil when you refuse to listen to your gut. It happens to all of us. Learn to release the doubt you allow to smother your dreams for the future.
My Gut Speaks Out
A few weeks back, I had an incredible cancer scare. The doctors insisted I had to go to Mayo Clinic in Rochester immediately for a dangerous and difficult surgery. My gut kicked in with the “Cause and Effect” lesson I have learned repeatedly through the years.
I questioned the docs about an error in one of my mediations made two months earlier. I don’t know who messed it up, but the consequences left me gasping for breath and wheezing so loudly I couldn’t sleep at night. (Asthma is an aggressive beast when left untreated.)
The look of anger on the specialist’s face as I requested further testing frightened me more than I can describe. My gut screamed at me to listen to it and not undergo a dangerous procedure when everything to me pointed to the error made in prescribing medication for me. Finally, the specialist agreed to an additional test. There was no cancer, but I’m sure I didn’t endear myself to him.
Take Charge of Your Life
Whatever today brings, take a pause. Sometimes it’s good to listen to the logical side of your brain. Other times, you need to go with your gut feeling—especially when you’re trying to branch out and try new things.
Take A Baby Step toward Joy
We’ve all heard of taking baby steps toward our goal. It’s not always possible to make giant leaps toward our goals or our dreams. We sometimes need to start small.
Others swear by the mantra of “jumping in with both feet.” You know yourself better than anyone. If you need to jump in immediately, do it with gusto. Suppose you need to take baby steps and try the water first. Congratulations! You’ve already learned how to follow your gut instincts. Listen to your inner voice.
Perhaps that means trying a new hair coloring or trying a new author or genre. Little by little, you’ll begin working your mind into being more adventurous. Today you can conquer the mall. Next month you can start planning that trip to Europe.
Make a List
Just like a to-do list, you can make a “do” list. Draft up a catalog of things you want to do for yourself—for fun! This list can include all new things, some old things, or all of the above. The point is to hold yourself accountable to branch out of your comfort zone.
Workflowy is one tool you can use to establish your list.
Google also allows you to make lists on your computer:
Create a new list
- On your computer, go to Google Keep.
- Next to “Take a note,” click New list.
- Add a title and items to your list.
- Click Done.
Change a note to a list.
- On your computer, go to Google Keep.
- Click a note.
- Next, Click More.
- Finally, Click Show checkboxes.
Reorder list items
- On your computer, go to Google Keep.
- Choose a list.
- Point to the item you want to move.
- At the left, click and hold Move.
- Drag the item where you want.
Indent a list item
- On your computer, go to Google Keep.
- Choose a list.
- Point to the item you want to indent.
- At the left, click and hold Move.
- Drag the item to the right. To undo, drag it to the left.
Note: You can’t indent the first item in the list.
Make Plans to Increase Joy Quickly
We’ve all committed the age-old foul of making plans too far in advance so that when the time comes around, we’re not so excited about the plans anymore. If you make your plans with more immediacy, you’ll hold yourself to them, and you’ll be less likely to back out.
As you read through these tips, know that there is no trickery here. Trust me, you’re not trying to play games with your mind; you’re learning how to read your mind so that you can accomplish big things and try exciting things throughout your life. Good luck!
Bringing joy back into your life is one of the most important steps to finding hope in your future.