Medicare for All is controversial. What’s your position? Everyone seems to have a position on Medicare for All. Very few of us are insurance experts, so the answer to the question doesn’t seem to be fair to me. All I know is that I’ve had successes and monumental failures when it comes to health insurance. […]
Insurance Mandated Physician Care
Will an Insurance Company Know What’s Best for Your Family? My name’s Tom, and I’m nine-years-old, but I’m pretty smart for my age. I want to share my story about how an insurance company really messed up our lives. My mom came home from work one day with some pretty bad news. She told my […]
ACA vs Trumpcare – Why It Matters
Americans need adequate and affordable health care coverage, whether it’s called ACA or Trumpcare. Adequate health care isn’t a political debate; it’s an issue that affects our very future. I received an email from a Wisconsin action group. It detailed the changes people in Wisconsin will see if they repeal the Affordable Care Act ( […]