New Release: Picking Daisy Will Mend Hearts
I understand what it means to be a broken child. The nightmares and terror of experiencing hurt again are like a gigantic monster. They eat away at the psyche of a kid who doesn’t believe anyone could love them or want them. No matter how hard they try or how much they fail, a broken child loses the ability to trust. Also, the feeling of abandonment by those who should love you the most leaves a child angry and hurt. Sometimes the damage is beyond repair. Valerie Howard’s New Release, Picking Daisy helps mend the hearts of the broken. It gives courage to those who realize they have enough love inside to help a lost soul put the pieces of their life together again.
About This New Release:
Elise Gilpatrick never thought she would be a parent, especially not like this. After agreeing to take 15-year-old DJ as a temporary foster placement straight from the police station, she feels like she’s in over her head. But, as she learns on the job, and with a little help from her coworker, Elise realizes that she and DJ need to lean on each other, and on the God who pieced them together. Their rocky journey will only prove that it’s never too late to find the love of a family.

A Child Lost In the System
Like Elise, I took in a child who broke and crumbled in her journey through the foster system and an adoption that failed her. It disintegrated because one of the parents couldn’t see the inner beauty in her. She was a teen, like Daisy, who fought back and tried so hard not to care. What Elise did throughout the book may seem unbelievable to some parents. But to me, it brought tears of joy to realize we are each given what is necessary to repair the broken hearts God brings into our lives.
You can’t read this book without a greater understanding of what it’s like to be a lost soul in a world that doesn’t seem to care. At a time when hatred is so prevalent in this world, we all need to take stock of Elise and Daisy’s story. Kids, like Daisy, matter to me. I hope this story inspires you to help make a difference.
A Greater Understanding

My journey through love, understanding, and compassion begins again as I try to help convince our newly adopted granddaughter we love her. I see so much of myself in her. Sure, she acts out more than I did. Exploding doesn’t help ease the pain. Of this, I’m certain! I kept my pain buried deep within myself. My escape was into books and libraries. I watch as my ten-year-old granddaughter follows my path. She has immersed herself in reading. For a few hours each day, she is a princess or an explorer of the unknown. She escapes the pain she’s too little even to understand.
Daisy’s journey in Picking Daisy helps the reader figure out why these kids don’t open up and talk about the pain. They’re certain the person they finally learn to trust will toss them out like left-over pizza sooner or later. Nothing is as heartbreaking as the feeling that you are worthless. No matter how hard you try, it won’t make a difference. The goal is to never open yourself up to future pain again.
This New Release Offers Hope
Once you’ve been hurt so badly the scars never disappear, it’s nearly impossible to believe someone could care again. The heart of this book is why I wept in the dark of the night after my recent surgery. It’s still hard to believe anyone could love me so much that they would awaken several times each night to check and make sure my leg rested properly on the pillow and I was safe. I found that love with my husband. Daisy has an opportunity to learn to love and trust again. It all depends on whether Elise can manage to stay steadfast in her love through the turmoil.
Pick up a copy of this New Release today. Find a deeper understanding of why there are so many broken souls out there and how we actually can make a difference.
Thank you so much for hosting my book on your blog, Peggy! ♥
You are most welcome, Valerie! It’s a moving and beautiful story! Thank you for the inspiration this will provide to so many broken lives!