The Alex Files This is a collection of three books from the award-winning author Judith Lucci. The primary character, Alexandra Destephano, grabbed my attention from the very first pages, and within a week, I had read all three books. The Books Include: Chaos at Crescent City Medical Center The...
A Medical Thriller Trilogy from Judith Lucci
Hide Thriller by Lisa Gardner: Saturday’s Pick
Hide Is A Thriller With More Twists than Lombard Street in San Francisco If you’re looking for a thriller to keep you on the edge of your seat, Hide by Lisa Gardner is a winner. The book begins with the discovery of the mummified remains of six young girls...
Mystery & Suspense: The Game You Played
A Bone-Chilling Mystery: A Child is Missing I’ve always loved a good mystery, but it’s been a long time since I’ve finished a book by an author and immediately purchased another book by the same author. As soon as I closed the final page of Stranger in the Woods, I quickly...