Chapter 13 – December 24, 1907 – Marta The house was brimming with activity and Marta couldn’t be happier. Bertha and Mary Ellen helped Marta dress for her wedding. “You look beautiful, Sis,” Mary Ellen said. “I’m incredibly excited. I’ve waited so long for this day.” Marta fiddled with...
The Christmas Prayer – Wedding of Marta
The Christmas Prayer – Bertha’s Promise
Chapter 12 – Bertha’s Promise Nettie abruptly turned to her stomach and buried her face in the feather pillow. One sneezing fit followed another. She clutched the pillow with both hands, trying to muffle the sound so she wouldn’t wake the baby. Her head spun as she remembered the...
The Christmas Prayer – Christmas Baby
Chapter 11- A Beautiful, Healthy Christmas Baby Nettie held her newborn daughter in her arms, emotion spilling onto her cheeks. “She’s the most beautiful and perfect baby ” Raymond sat on the side of the bed, his finger stroking his daughter’s cheek. “You have given me more than I...