My Sons Deserve My Best Message
I have two incredible sons, and I’m infinitely proud of them both. Sadly, if I voted for DJT this election year, I would send them an unintended message. Too many things in his message conflict with what I believe in my heart. I list some more pertinent issues where no rope is long enough to allow me to reach his man cave.
- I refuse to convey that tearing people down rather than building them up is a win.
- In their new world, the understanding that it is perfectly fine for them to grab any fine young woman by her body parts speaks volumes. I’m tired of the “Men will be men” excuse. I was only seven when my body was brutally victimized. That man was a “Loud, Proud Republican who was referred to as a “Lady’s Man” by my teenage best friend. At the time, she had no idea what I had suffered for so many years. She would be in her seventies before I finally told her the truth. I remember a time when rape disqualified anyone from seeking office. But that was a time when we still had a conscience.
- My sons don’t need to recognize all the science we’ve built on for more than 200 years anymore. Instead, they can yell, ‘Drill, baby, drill!’
- They might go to war for this country but would refuse to fight on the front lines. Only suckers and losers get shot, killed, or captured. Why risk it?
What Message Do We Send our Sons?
I’ve watched DJT for decades. With my position in the commercial credit training of bankers throughout the U.S., I needed to understand and impart how risky commercial debtors can be identified. DJT is an excellent study case when brought forth by the bankers. Interviews and stories from suppliers who lost their businesses, homes, and families due to the DJT bankruptcy filings would break your heart.
If I vote for Trump, my sons will also learn:
- After election day, both of them would need to get second jobs to pay all the tariffs added to the price of the goods they have depended on over the years that are not produced in this country. (Yes, we Americans pay the tariffs. Do your research.)
- My sons will no longer endure unbiased news presentations and the truths their fellow citizens no longer wish to acknowledge. The government controls broadcasts in other countries. What’s the big deal?
- Sadly, my sons will learn men will be judged for the size of their private parts rather than their talents.
- Regardless of their beliefs, my sons will be forced to look away when neighbors and local newscasters begin to disappear.
I Will Not Share Negative Messages With My Sons
Mother was straightforward in her message of God’s will. I must have been quite the little complainer as a kid because I heard “Judge not lest ye be judged” almost daily. I have no desire to judge DJT, but I also have no intention of ever allowing my sons to believe I condone his ideas, ethics, or activities.
In the past decade, there have been so many examples of what I don’t want my sons ever to do. Here are some more messages my vote for DJT would send my sons:
- My sons will no longer need to ask God to forgive their sins. God should know to do that.
- The sanctity of marriage is no longer a priority for them or any other man.
- They must learn to support the breeding of white women so they will not become the minority white citizens of the 2040s.
- Congressional oversight will no longer be required once DJT’s cronies begin running the government. This statement depends on whether or not we still have a Congress.
Still not Convinced?
If I vote for Donald J Trump, it’s “Game Over” as far as everything I’ve tried to teach my sons. My sons would be required to completely reverse everything I’ve ever believed in or taught them. Here are some additional lessons they would learn:
- They will quickly learn how combustible extremists can be.
- Race hatred will be condoned in every community, and my sons will be required to report anything suspicious.
- The boys will no longer be allowed to communicate with their brothers who lived in our home as foreign exchange students from unapproved locations. (Mexico, Guatemala, and El Salvadore)
- They will learn it’s okay to lie about important matters.
- In our new reality, it will no longer be necessary to empathize with people who are having severe personal problems.
- One of the most important lessons is that bankruptcy is “Good Business.” You won’t have to pay the suppliers and contractors for their final products. It’s the suppliers’ and contractors’ problem for trusting you.
- My son’s new world will be where fear and hatred flourish.
These are NOT the Messages I will send my Sons in 2024
I will never condone these beliefs to my children. What I would tell my sons is what Charlie Chaplin shared with the world during WWII…that neither Hitler nor any man who idolizes him will ever give them the world they’ve always dreamed of. Only they can do that:
“In the 17th Chapter of St Luke, it is written: “The Kingdom of God is within man” – not one man nor a group of men, but in all men! In you! You, the people, have the power – the power to create machines. The power to create happiness! You, the people, have the power to make this life free and beautiful, to make this life a wonderful adventure.”
~Final speech from Charlie Chaplin as Hitler in The Great Dictator Copyright © Roy Export S.A.S. All rights reserved
I intend to tell my sons that integrity and honesty matter. This message will include an entire encyclopedia on why we must protect this democracy with our hearts and souls. I refuse to accept a dictator on Day 1, Day 2, or Day 202. Faith, Love, Charity, and Deliverance have been the mainstay of my life. Nothing can force me to deviate from that.