Everyone Should Celebrate Do Something Nice Day
The one thing that distinguishes us from the animals is that we can choose to do something nice for someone else. It doesn’t take planning or even any money. The rewards of going out of our way to do something nice for someone else far outweighs the effort we put forth.
- Stick a thank you note in your child’s lunch box
- Fix your spouse breakfast in bed
- Pick up a special dessert at the local bakery
- Take the time to play a game with your children
- Turn your phone completely off during dinner
- Take the dog for a walk
- Do the dishes
- Take out the trash
- Put your things away
- If you splatter the mirror or countertop in the bathroom, clean it up
- Clean the hair out of the drain in the shower when you’re done
- Spend time with an aging relative
- Do someone else’s chores without being asked
- Give someone else control of the TV remote for the evening
- Commit to spending an entire day without complaining
- Invite your spouse to watch the sunset with you
- Take time to really listen to what a family member has to say
- Pick up trash
- Let someone go ahead of you in line at the cashier
- Offer to serve at the soup kitchen
- Post at least three positive messages on social media
- Take some baked goods to the local fire department
- Recycle your trash
- Buy someone else a coffee at work
- Feed wildlife when appropriate
- Make dinner for someone recovering at home
- Prepare a care package for a child in the hospital
- Compliment a stranger
- Pay a compliment to the cashier
- Donate to the local food shelf
- Volunteer to help organize a fundraiser
- Buy a movie ticket for the person behind you in line.
- Hold doors open for older people
- Donate to a charity you haven’t supported in the past
- Send a thank you note and a small gift to your child’s teacher
- Prepare a treat box to send to soldiers overseas
- Shovel a neighbor’s driveway
- Take donuts to work
- Water the neighbor’s flowers
- Offer to read stories at the library
- Send a letter to an old friend
Senior Citizens
- Bake cookies and deliver to the nursing home
- Volunteer to help teach a craft
- Take flowers for the community room
- Provide Bible Verses that can be displayed
- Send a card to someone you haven’t seen for a while
- Donate books to the nursing home
- Offer to go to the store for an elderly citizen living at home
- Check with the nurses to see if there are any clothing needs you and your coworkers can assist with during the holidays
- Pick up trash
- Plant a tree
- Send a thank you note to your state department of natural resources
- Donate to a wildlife fund
- Support clean water initiatives
- Avoid using fertilizers near streams, rivers, and lakes
- Avoid the use of straws and plastic bags
- Pick up after your pets
- Ride your bike to work
This is a short list of suggestions.
It’s Friday and everyone is waiting for a final answer on Judge Kavanaugh. Let’s stop the rhetoric and get back to why I truly love this country. We know how to step up and provide what our family, friends, and community need at any point in time.
Wake up, folks. It’s Do Something Nice Day! Make it make a difference this year.
Try doing at least five of the suggestions above, or add some of your own. I’m challenging each and every one of you to do at least five nice things today without expecting anything in return.
Please use the comments below to help us add to the list!
What a wonderful list to refer to. Thank you for all the suggestions, Peggy.
You are most welcome, Julie! Have a wonderful week!