Christmas Traditions on Christmas Eve
When it comes to Christmas Traditions, I love everything about Christmas. Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year. It is a day of family, hopes and expectations, love, and of course lots and lots of homemade candy and cookies.
It’s a time for reverence and deep respect tinged with a tremendous amount of awe. I will spend this day with my family and in the worship of the promise a birth in Bethlehem had for so many of us. It is also a day that I remember others celebrate in a different way, and I honor and respect that. I pray that the world’s population will come to honor and respect our differences.
Christmas is the time when men and women everywhere need to pause and realize what the cherished things in life are. We cherish our friends and family, and we also honor the Christmas Traditions, Hanukkah Traditions, Kwanzaa Traditions during the month of December.
I look forward to the holidays each year because people are a little kinder, and each of us looks forward to the traditions of December that make our lives better

as we remember past holidays and the family and friends who are still with us and those who have left us. Christmas isn’t about the presents under the tree as Mom reminded me. It’s about our faith (whatever that may be) and our hopes for the safety and well-being of our families and friends in the coming year.
So, go outside and build a snowman with your kids. Spend some time in the kitchen and make some Wassail or Peg’s Famous Fudge. Take the day off and spend it with your family and those you love.
From our house to yours: No matter your religion or lack thereof, our hope for you is to have a safe and happy life today and always!
Author: Peggy McAloon
Be Safe…Be Loved…Pass It On!