A Guide to the Universe: Every Father’s Wish for His Daughter

How do you guide a daughter or son’s footsteps in a life filled with challenges and obstacles? None of us knows how many years, months, days, or hours we have left. Mike Dooley answeres many of those questions in a beginner’s guide to the universe.
Mike Dooley has written a beautiful book for his cherished daughter. It is a comfort to those at the end of their life. It provides hope for those lost in the challenges of life. And, it balances both the good and the bad that may befall a child who is feeling their way in a somewhat turbulent world. What messages do we want to send to the children we will one day leave behind?
a beginner’s guide to the universe is a book you can easily read in one sitting. If you do, you’re missing the whole point. The book is a guide to embracing the joys of life, traveling the bumpy highway, and believing the best of yourself and others. Dooley’s words need to be absorbed slowly. His ideas may not all resonate with you. However, I assure you, they will confirm what you already know while opening your heart to those things you have not yet learned.
Each of us will react differently to his words because each of us has a vastly different past. Open your heart to the lessons he shares in this guide to life. It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re at the beginning of your adventure or nearing the end. I guarantee it will release memories of hurt and restore your faith in your abilities and of those who surround you.
About the Guide
The beloved creator of Notes from the Universe distills a career’s worth of inspiration into elegant, brief lessons for making our way through the world–conceived as a guidebook for his young daughter yet relevant to everyone who’s living a life on earth. (In other words, everyone.)
Mike Dooley returns with what he expects to be his most impactful book yet: a volume of elegant, brief lessons conceived as a message from a father to his daughter, and equally relevant to everyone who’s living a life on earth. (In other words, everyone.)
Mike is a New Thought leader for seekers around the world, known for his trademark humor, wisdom, and sheer joy in living–all of which he’s shared in his 17 books and his free daily e-mails of Notes from the Universe. His Beginner’s Guide to the Universe, inspired by such classics of gem-like wisdom as Life’s Little Instruction Book, The Four Agreements, and The Things You Can See Only When You Slow Down, gives voice to his most essential, heartfelt advice about living deliberately and creating consciously.
Guiding the reader thoughtfully and joyfully through a range of topics–including family and relationships, power and responsibility, adversity and bouncing back from it, even the nature of heaven, angels, and God–Mike succeeds in making a happy life in this universe seem easily within our reach. With short passages of text placed artfully on each page, and a format that’s a pleasure to hold in the hand, this is an ideal gift for a parent, a parent-to-be, a child, a new grad, a dear friend, or anyone who needs a dose of Dooley, whether they know it or not.
“Filled with endearing affection and beautiful wisdom, this is a book every child should receive and every adult should read.” – Marci Shimoff, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Happy for No Reason and Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul

Why the Sun Rises
“It’s easy to nix the old notion that life started because of some random accident and is devoid of intelligence. That’s the same as believing that life sprang from rocks or vacuums, without explaining the origin of rocks and vacuums, while casting a blind eye to the intelligence within the world’s 100 million different species, and every cell, in their every body.
All of which builds to the inescapable conclusion that you are important; sacred, honored, loved, not beholden to a world of illusions; rather, it is beholden to you. You are a creator, through the act of perception, of every rock and vacuum; they did not create you. YOU are the very reason the sun comes up every day. Literally. Not “sort of” the reason, but the reason. You are free.
Just be yourself. There are no tests. All is well. You deserve happiness, the indisputable highest emotional value known to humankind.”
This is an excerpt from A Beginner’s Guide to the Universe.
About the Author